It was another testosterone filled weekend at the Box Office as American Males scurried into the theaters to gape, holler, and hoot, at the gore and bloodletting in Evil Dead to the tune of $30.5 million dollars off of a production budget of $17 million dollars. Chances of Evil Dead recuperating it’s production AND marketing costs are now at 100 percent. However, the film only earned a C+ CinemaScore in North America which proves one thing: Since the audience was made up of 58 percent males, when it comes to guts and gory, the guys will watch about any piece of crap you put up on the screen these days. Unless of course it’s directed by Uwe Boll. Nobody wants to see any movie produced by the guy who is a continual blight on the art of film making.
Jurassic Park 3D, the other not so really new entry, came in at number four with a domestic take of $18.2 million dollars. Not bad for a movie that has been on DVD forever, and was released on Blu-ray in a boxed trilogy set just about a year and a half ago. It even beat Titanic’s 3D Weekend totals, but keep in mind that Titanic had the disadvantage of less showings due to it’s running time of over three hours. Up next for the dinosaur epic is the Blu-ray 3D version scheduled for release in just two weeks on April 23, for those of you who have the capability at home for that format.
I purchased a new set for my girlfriend this past Christmas and didn’t go that route. Finances were not on my side, but more than that, I still see the appeal of 3D as being limited as well. The expense doesn’t stop with the purchase of a 3D set either. You need a blu-ray player that is 3D capable (I have one of those, but looks like I’ll never use it for that function), and the 3D blu-ray discs are more expensive. There isn’t much as far as the broadcast medium either, and what you will find is that it will cost you extra as well.
On the other hand, those who keep predicting that this latest incarnation of 3D will eventually die off keep being proven wrong. It appears audiences are just being more selective in what they see, or perhaps when they believe the 3D will add to the experience. And despite Jurassic Park being a 3D retrofit, most of the reviews I’ve read have praised it. I gave thought to seeing it myself this past weekend but my girlfriend had other ideas. We ended up seeing The Call with Halle Barry.
The Croods, in it’s second full week of release pretty much tied with GI Joe for runner up status and continues to rake in the dough surpassing the $125 million dollar mark domestically. GI Joe, while taking in 21.1 million domestically, continues to conquer Europe and Asia where it has taken in $145 million in overseas box office compared to the $86.7 totals it’s racked up here at home. Sorry kiddies, but the U.S. box office is not not the only thing that makes the world go round.
From Hollywood Reporter:
Universal opens the 3D rerelease of Jurassic Park 20 years after the original dinosaur movie debuted and is using the pic to prime audiences for Jurassic Park IV, which rolls out in June 2014 (Spielberg is producing but not directing). Hollywood has had a mixed track record with 3D rereleases and will be watching closely to see how Jurassic Park performs over the course of its short run (the Blu-Ray/DVD comes out in two weeks).
The Croods and G.I. Joe: Retaliation claimed the No. 2 and No. 3 spots on the North American box office chart, although the precise order won't be determined until Monday morning, since both films are estimating a $21.1 million weekend.
Croods, from DreamWorks Animation and Fox, jumped the $300 million mark globally over the weekend, becoming only the second title of 2013 to do so after Oz the Great and Powerful. Croods grossed $34.1 million internationally from 62 markets for a foreign total of $206.8 million. The 3D toon has now earned $125.8 domestically for a global cume of $332.6 million.
G.I. Joe raced past the $200 million mark in its second weekend of play at the global box office. The action pic, from Paramount, MGM and Skydance, boasts a domestic total of $86.7 million, while it earned $40.2 million internationally from 60 countries for a foreign total of $145.2 million and global haul of $231.9 million.
For all you box office score keepers out there, here are the totals:

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